
The Beauty of Two: Two-ism and the Doctrine of God, by Dr. Peter Jones

“There is nothing like the Biblical Gospel in all of history:  the transcendent Lord above, bearing our sins on the Earth below, bestowing merit on undeserving sinners.   –This Two-ist doctrine of God is the jewel of our historic Christian faith.  Without it, Christianity becomes one more form of sentimental One-ism.”  With this profound, beautiful statement, Dr. Jones opened the 2012 truthXchange Think Tank, “The Beauty of Two”.  It rocked us when we heard it that first night and it is our hope that it rocks you wonderfully as you listen to it now.  Reality is Two, and Two-ism is beautiful.


Two-ism and the Doctrine of God from truthXchange on Vimeo.


Jun 22, 2012



Mary Eady

