Apr 11, 2013


Evolutionary Christianity

The radio host, Janet Mefferd, sent me an article today about how evolution and climate change are now a significant part of what is taught as scientific orthodoxy in state school curricula. Providentially, Janet is also interviewing today Dr. Cal Beisner, head of the Cornwall Alliance, an expert in all things regarding the environment from a biblical perspective, and well worth hearing. An hour later, I saw a notice for the appearance of a new book, The Emerging Christ (Orbis Books, 2013) by a Roman Catholic nun, Sr. Ilia Delio. The various citations and reviews show that she is picking up the spiritual evolutionary theories of Teillard de Chardin, a Jesuit, who was excommunicated from his church for his heretical teaching.

Both events are surprisingly related. The first shows that our rising generations are being brainwashed into believing that there is only one explanation for the natural universe, namely, its evolutionary progress, whose fate is in our hands. The second gives a spiritual account of the same phenomena. As Sr. Delio claims: “…there is a [evolutionary] movement towards wholeness in the universe,…all bodies are joined together by a luminous thread of love…[and] the secret of the universe, our inner power, lies within.”

Christians can be seduced by this thinking, especially phrases from Sr. Delio, like: “Christianity is about future, not salvation as an end in itself or heaven or eternal life- but new life.” Alas, this “new life” has nothing to do with the rescue of sinners and the creation from death through the atoning work of Jesus, who, because of this, now reigns as Lord of the cosmos. How easily Christians are falling for the spiritual optimism of the “evolutionaries” who reject God the creator and worship themselves and creation as divine, just the latest form of pagan Oneism.

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Peter Jones

