Evangelicalism in Crisis?
By Dr. Peter Jones
Alas, “gay evangelicals” fail to recognize the “D-Day” face-off between the only two worldviews on offer and the cosmological significance of Twoism, both for theology (the nature of God) and sexuality (the nature of humanity, made in God’s image). They ignore the place homosexuals have played in pagan religion, as perfectly-adapted shamans throughout the millennia. Without a theological understanding of these issues, the future of the evangelical church in certain parts will be severely compromised.
A case in point is EastLake Community Church, a classic evangelical megachurch with thirteen weekly services at six locations in the greater Seattle area that has “come out” as one of the first openly LGBT-affirming evangelical churches in the U.S.[1] Another is New Heart Community outside Los Angeles, recently part of the Southern Baptists, which now calls itself a “third-way church,” where leaders acknowledge a range of views about sexuality. Important expressions of Anglicanism have made the move. Many others will doubtless follow, due to the cultural trend laid out by president Obama, who in his “state of the union” address in January, 2015 called on the Supreme Court, sitting before him, to legalize gay marriage.
In addition to cultural pressure, well-funded “Christian” gay groups are systematically seeking to infiltrate evangelical churches with their “inclusive” teaching.
- The Reformation Project is led by 24-year-old gay evangelical activist Matthew Vines to raise up LGBT-affirming voices in every evangelical church in the country. To reach that goal, he is training reformers in batches of 40 to 50 at regional leadership workshops. They raised $1.2 million in 2015, with help from furniture mogul Mitchell Gold, a secular Jew! Though Vines claims to be evangelical, he quotes only liberal, radical biblical scholars in his book, God and the Gay Christian, so his arguments in fact undermine evangelical faith and two thousand years of Christian moral teaching.
- Evangelicals for Marriage Equality, headed by 22-year-old Brandan Robertson, is planning to take its message to Christian college campuses this year. EastLake’s pastor, Ryan Meeks (36), is also planning an event in April, tentatively titled “Sexuality, Inclusion and the Future of the Church,” and featuring “evangelical” British minister Steve Chalke, who endorses the LGBT agenda. Though WorldVision pulled back because of opposition among its supporters, it too had intended to employ gay couples.
Meeks justifies this momentous decision on emotive and subjective ground. “I refuse to go to a church where my friends who are gay are excluded from Communion or a marriage covenant or the beauty of Christian community. It is a move of integrity for me–the message of Jesus was a message of wide inclusivity.” He sees the negative response of his fellow evangelical Christians as a typical over-the-top “D-Day reaction,” but he does not inquire why the issue is also treated in a “D-Day” manner by the Left.
Recently, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper joined talk show host Ellen Degeneres (both of whom came out as homosexual on prime-time television) to mock the warnings pastor Larry Tomczak published in The Christian Post: “The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing. All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.”
Cooper deadpanned on Primetime CNN news: “I don’t know what a gay lifestyle is, just like I don’t know what a straight lifestyle is.” Unfortunately Cooper may be right. Ignorance reigns concerning the deep spiritual significance of sexuality.
Indeed, with less justification, the “gay Christian” approach reveals the same ignorance, and is compromising gospel witness by unwittingly supporting the contemporary pagan Oneist notion of “binary-busting,” a movement that intends to eliminate belief in God the Creator as separate from the creation, into which he placed many “binary” distinctions. Alas, “gay evangelicals” fail to recognize the “D-Day” face-off between the only two worldviews on offer and the cosmological significance of Twoism, both for theology (the nature of God) and sexuality (the nature of humanity, made in God’s image). They ignore the place homosexuals have played in pagan religion, as perfectly-adapted shamans throughout the millennia. Without a theological understanding of these issues, the future of the evangelical church in certain parts will be severely compromised.
Can we get this message to Christians before it is too late? The gospel is deeply affected by this issue, and only the preaching of sin and of God’s forgiveness through Christ will bring people to place their trust in him as their only Savior.
[1] Elizabeth Dias, “Inside the Evangelical Fight Over Gay Marriage,” TIME (January 26, 2015).