The Dichotomy of Thought in Christian and Non-Christian Worldviews
First Presbyterian Church of Margate/Coral Springs hosts their 2013 Conference
One or Two:
The Dichotomy of Thought in Christian and Non-Christian Worldviews
Friday, October 4, 2013 6:45 p.m.– 9:30 p.m. and
Saturday, October 5, 2013, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Entry fee is $10 and includes desserts on Friday evening, and continental breakfast on Saturday.
It is our intention to examine the deeper meaning of our calling as Christians to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all of soul, all our strength, and all our mind. It is our contention as a result of our modern American culture, that the relationship we as Christians have with the Lord our God is often mindless. How often do we gleefully participate in the American culture of pleasure, comfort, material excess, and not consider if God would approve of our participation or not. How does our politics square with God’s Word and the things He loves and the things He hates? Where do we stand politically and philosophically on many of the controversial issues we confront today? Do align our thoughts and actions with those of our Holy and Righteous Creator in whom we live and move and have our being?
God calls us to “renew our minds” and to “have the mind of Christ.” This year’s conference is designed to not only to wake us all up to many of the disturbing and anti-Godly elements embedded in our culture and society, but it is designed to shake us all up and get us back on our knees repenting and crying out for God’s power and mercy. Our goal is to renew Christian minds to once again seek to be like that of our Lord and Savior and once again be salt and light to our nation, which is morally falling apart before our very eyes.
If any of you have ever been to a Ligonier Conference or a PCRT, this year’s conference will have a similar feel and a similar quality. We have recruited two highly respected National Speakers.
Schedule of Events
Friday Night (6:30 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.):
1. Introduction to the Dichotomy of Worldviews: is Everything One or Two?
2. Application to Morality and Ethics: Is there One Morality or Many?
Saturday Morning (9:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.):
3. Application to Male/Female Roles: Are There Distinctions Between the Sexes?
4. Application to Homo/Hetero Sexuality: Are There Distinction in Sexual Ethics?
You are also invited to Sunday Morning (9:30 A.M. and 10:40 A.M.):
5: (Sunday School Hour) Application to Government: Does Government Rule or Serve?
6: (During Worship Service) Application to Religion: Is There Only One Religion?
About the Speakers
Rev. Peter Jones: Dr. Jones received his Ph.D. at Princeton Seminary, after which he taught New Testament Theology at The Free Reformed Theological Faculty in d’Aix-en-Provence, France. Later, Professor of New Testament Theology at Westminster Seminary California, and Professor Emeritus of the same. He is the founder and Executive Director of TruthXchange, a group revealing the lies of paganism and anti-Christian spirituality. He is the author of Spirit Wars, Cracking DaVinci’s Code, One or Two, and many others.
Rev. Gabe Fluhrer: Rev. Fluhrer was educated at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary after which he served Second Presbyterian Church in Greeneville, South Carolina. He pursued a Ph. D. program at Westminster Theological Seminary in 2010, currently edits, the online magazine of Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and has edited three books: Atonement, These Last Days, and Solid Ground. He currently pastors Shiloh Presbyterian Church in Cary, NC.