
Connecting with the Connected Generation


Dear truthXchange Family,

I don’t believe we’ve ever posted something like this before. We have an urgent request to make. For the sake of the work of this ministry, which we believe is of vital importance to the health of the church, we ask that you read on and respond!

We have recently received an offer from a generous donor who is willing to match, dollar for dollar, each donation we receive from now until Reformation Sunday, up to $30,000.00. That means that we have the chance to raise $60,000.00 toward the amazing work and vision the Lord has given truthXchange. The timing of this offer could not come at a better time and is, in fact, an answer to many prayers we have lifted up, pleading with the Lord to provide for the health of this ministry in mighty ways.
You may wonder, “Why is it so desperate now?”

“The target audience for the message of One-ism and Two-ism has come into sharp focus…”

We have outgrown ourselves, so to speak. We’ve expanded, needing office space and new personnel. The cost of ministry is a reality. We have faithful donors, but our donor base has not grown to match our expansion – and if we do not have funding to accomplish the work we must do, eventually we will not have a ministry. We strongly believe that God has given us a crucial message and has called us to communicate it. We long to become even more effective with this message!

The target audience for the message of One-ism and Two-ism has come into sharp focus, as we solidify our five-year project plans for reaching the rising Christian leaders who will be the shepherds of the church in the next generation. (This is the generation known by some as the “millennials” and by others as the “connected generation.”)
We are so grateful for your confidence in truthXchange and for your prayers and interest. But we need you to take another step, if you possibly can: to commit resources to tXc. Never think your gift too small to count. Many small gifts equal a large gift. If you are able to give a larger gift, we will humbly and gratefully receive it, praying that God will lead us in using it well. Faithful regularity is a huge benefit to truthXchange, since it helps us know just how and when we can expand.

Please commit today if you can. Help us connect with the “connected generation” in order to encourage them with the “truth once given to the saints” and to help them as they earnestly proclaim the gospel to their peers in an increasingly hostile social context. The truth will weather all the assaults of the evil one, in whatever century, for Jesus Christ is Ruler over all and will one day bring a definitive end to all resistance. But we are called to be faithful and to hold to the truth at any cost.
If you need time to pray and plan for a regular donation, or an increase to your regular donation, please don’t wait too long! From now until October 31, 2012, your gift will be doubled.

With heartfelt thanks,
The tXc team.

Why would someone give $30,000.00 to truthXchange?  In their own words…

As we offer this matching grant challenge for truthXchange, we would like to share with you how the ministry of Dr. Peter Jones has changed our lives by equipping us to understand the rapidly changing spiritual climate of our culture and many of our churches. Already aware that a radical spiritual transition was taking over western culture in general, we grew more concerned, even alarmed, when we began to see a trend in some evangelical circles to exchange Scriptural foundations in biblical theism and doctrinal clarity for the inner spirituality of mystical experience.

We knew something was terribly wrong, yet we lacked the theological, philosophical, and cultural categories we needed in order to understand the changes.  Through the books and lectures of Dr. Peter Jones we began to see that the once-Christian West was engaged in a mortal spiritual battle with a powerful revival of ancient paganism.  We began learning terms like “neopaganism,” “neoGnosticism,” and the “new spirituality” and could see that their influence did not always stop outside the boundaries of Christianity.  Dr. Jones gave us insight into the foundational importance of Romans 1:25, a text in which Paul reveals the deadly exchange of the Truth of the Creator/creation distinction for the Lie of nature worship with its morally degenerating spiral into depravity and lawlessness.

The lights began going on for us. TruthXchange equipped us to understand the two foundational worldviews: pagan One-ism versus biblical Two-ism. We recognized the spirit wars that were raging between two opposing kingdoms— the kingdom of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ and that of the deceiver and pretender, the god of this age.  Dr. Jones gave us greater biblical insight into the difference between the intimate personal nature of the triune God of Two-ism (who is separate from creation but intimately involved with us through the redemptive work of His Son Jesus) and that of the deceiver (who presents spirituality as the mystical experience of the pure essence of an impersonal universal divinity).  The God of Two-ism is known with our rational minds through the revealed Word, whereas the god of One is experienced through inner mystical ecstasies.  In Two-ism we look outside ourselves to the God who is above, but in One-ism one looks within to discover the divine spark in all of nature.

We are incredibly grateful for the insights gained from Dr. Jones and believe that truthXchange is on the theological and spiritual cutting edge, able to equip the church not only to survive in these challenging days but to thrive spiritually with the power of the Gospel in an increasingly One-ist cultural environment.  We are sure that many of you have gained the same help through truthXchange and we offer this matching grant with the prayer that you will join us in providing the financial means for the much-needed expansion of this vitally important ministry.

For His glory alone!

Friends of truthXchange



Jul 25, 2012



