Liberation-Not For Everybody
It is shocking to see in our Western culture a worldview that “progresses” by way of lies into moral chaos and human tragedy. Expressed with studied ambiguity, these lies anesthetize the next generation to the only true morality on which genuine human culture can survive. Journalist William Smith notes the fall-out:
The present cultural conflict is deeply rooted in two diametrically opposed civic religions…Since the 1960s, America’s leaders have been educated through an immersion in the culturally radical and postmodernist narratives… [The] primary goal of higher education is to sensitize the future establishment to [radically-framed] issues of race, gender, and class…Elite education is no longer designed to hand down a common cultural tradition and to serve as an intergenerational transmission belt for the American and Western heritage.
The Sixties notion of free sex was designed to liberate the rising generation from the sexual restraints of the past. In reality, however, free sex denies freedom to millions of human beings, who are slaughtered in the womb. In cleverly manipulative language, pro-abortion advocates accuse defenders of the unborn of “taking away women’s access to health care.” Women and their doctors become self-justifying murderers in the name of women’s rights and human flourishing. This deceitful corruption of language can never make honorable the slaughter of defenseless children.
Consider how Deb Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth defines the moral fights “worth having”:
Young people are leading the way on every fight worth having…. Whether they are marching for gun control, police reform, immigrants’ rights, LGBTQ health and rights, racial justice or reproductive justice, young people are mobilizing for a more just and equitable world. Our job is to provide them with the tools and support they need to make their vision a reality.
This immoral seduction of the rising generations in the West is working. In the UK, the student council of the well-respected Warwick University will not allow pro-life students to participate in incoming student welcoming programs. The Students’ Union supports a “pro-choice stance” because a prior “democratic” student vote affirmed abortion. There is, therefore, no obligation to allow the pro-life group any official place on campus.
Another linguistic sham is “reproductive justice,” which really means genocidal child murder. According to Chelsea Clinton to be pro-abortion is even a “Christian” requirement.
When I think about how many women pre-Roe died [or] were maimed because of unsafe abortion practices,…That’s unconscionable to me,…and as a deeply religious person, it’s also un-Christian.
An article in Teen Vogue cites a 19-year-old, who tells how uneasy and embarrassed she was about having to seek a judicial bypass to avoid asking for permission for an abortion from her parents. She testified that her faith in God is what carried her through. She believes that “God trusts each person with their own lives, and ultimately, it’s no one else’s place to judge.”
This feel-good, God-pleasing “justice” will never cover up the gallons of innocent human blood spilled behind the closed doors of abortion “clinics.” I know a detective in a child abuse unit. In order to investigate a possible child rape case, she had to recuperate the remains of an aborted baby. She will never forget the horrors she saw. The account of this cop, who had seen most everything, is sobering:
I continued walking down the short hallway [of the abortion clinic] that led into the surgical unit…I caught glimpses of horrendous objects. I had never seen surgical equipment or medical apparatuses like these. All of a sudden…I became extremely nauseous and I felt the precursor of symptoms of passing out…I could not believe my body’s reaction to the visual stimuli. A sense of panic hit me…I felt the presence of death surrounding me and I was truly having a melt down.
In a later exchange with the lab technician who examined the baby, my friend mentioned how hard the case had been for her. The technician replied: “You think this case was tough on you? I had to use three of the baby’s fingers to obtain enough DNA, and I am the only person who knew that this baby was a girl.” Thinking of all the people affected by an abortion, my detective friend added: “I have to believe that after a long day at work in an abortion clinic, the medical staff and employees suffer in some way.” Her sense of “the presence of death” makes us consider the beginning of life. Keith Moore describes that beginning:
Human life begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm (spermatozoon) unites with a female gamete or oocyte (ovum) to form a single cell called a zygote. This highly specialized, totipotent cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual…A zygote is the beginning of a new human being (i.e., an embryo)…In that fraction of a second when the chromosomes form pairs, the sex of the new child will be determined, hereditary characteristics received from each parent will be set, and a new life will have begun.[1]
The logic of life is incontestable.
However, a new program, Youth Testify, launched by Advocates for Youth and the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) with the help of Planned Parenthood, is “helping young people advocate for their reproductive rights and reframe the narrative around abortion.” “Reframing” means that not a word of warning will be given to young women about the death knell that will forever echo in their hearts. They must be encouraged to justify their gruesome act as something empowering and completely comprehensible to any sane individual! “The goal of the program,” according to the NNAF, is “to show that young people who have had abortions are the experts on reproductive rights as well as the experts of their own experiences, and must be trusted with making decisions without anyone else’s permission.”
What kind of a society will these conscience-hardened young people create when they become our judges, senators, newspaper editors and school teachers? If they consider their own convenience and freedom more valuable than another person’s life, where will their moral compasses register on other decisions? What price, asked my detective friend, are we paying for legal immorality? As Jennifer Hartline puts it:
A nation that considers killing its own children to be the pièce de résistance of its fight for empowerment and justice is suffering a suicidal delusion.
Young women pregnant due to their own lack of control over sexual desire certainly deserve help and tender love. But should a woman who callously sheds her body of a living baby, made in God’s image, now be considered a “moral expert,” able to advise other teens in matters of life and death?[2] No woman willing to sacrifice a child in exchange for freedom or convenience has a true understanding of the sanctity of life and of the will of God, the Creator of life, notwithstanding her eventual attachment to some form of “Christianity.” The unique expert on morality (God himself) stated that the only justification for taking a human life is if someone has murderously taken another’s. This is because “God made man in his own image” (Genesis 9:6).
Robert Altier describes our times with much clarity:
We aren’t just simply living in days that are evil, we are living in the days that Isaiah spoke about, the days when they will call evil good and good evil. And we have been brainwashed into thinking that evil things are okay, but they’re not.
The conflict, as always, is between the Truth and the Lie (Romans 1:25), between the idolatrous, self-destructive worship of creation (including the self) and the worship of the all-wise God, the Creator of life.
[1] Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition (Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003), 16, See also Kaluger, G., and Kaluger, M., Human Development: The Span of Life, , (St. Louis: The C.V. Mosby Co., 1974), 28–9.
[2] Even in rape cases, a woman can make the difficult choice not to compound one grievous and abominable sin by adding to it yet another, namely the slaughter of a baby who bears no fault in the circumstances of his or her birth. Such a woman (as do others) needs tender care, and encouragement to realize that a courageous decision to keep or adopt out the baby will save the life of a marvelous new human being.