
Two-ism in Art and Literature by Steve Baarendse

Andrew Peterson has a song that begins, “So you’re sitting at the movies. You’re watching how the story finds a way. And you’ve seen it all before, but still you love to see the hero save the day. It’s a window in the world, a little glimpse of all the goodness getting through. And all along the way the days are made of little moments of truth. ” I love that song. I love the way he uses words and music to speak about the beauty and truth of a Two-ist perspective. (I don’t think he’s ever used the word Two-ism to describe it, to be fair) When I was listening to this song the other day I thought of it as the perfect introduction to Steve Baarendse’s marvelous talk about Two-ism in Art and Literature. Just listen to it and see if you can make it through to the end without shedding a tear of joy about the beauty and the marvel of Two.

Dr. Steve Baarendse – The Beauty of Two in Art and Literature from truthXchange on Vimeo.


Jun 29, 2012



Joshua Gielow

