One-ism or Two-ism? A World View Catechism
There is a great deal going on beneath the surface of world culture that we don’t notice unless we’re trained to see it. It’s not possible to understand the interaction between Christian truth and the postmodern world without learning to see the contradictions between the truth of Christianity and the lies of Satan.
The truthXchange team has been working for years to unveil these lies, but much of the material we have put out is not exactly entry-level. Accordingly, we have decided to distill some of the most basic facts about the Truth and the Lie into a course of short questions and answers, which we will be running in serial fashion on the blog in the coming months. We call this a “Catechism,” named after the question-and-answer documents that the Church has long used to instruct new converts to the faith. (Mind that it’s not meant to replace proper catechisms like the Heidelberg or Westminster Catechisms. We’re borrowing the structure, but the content and purpose are different.)
This is not meant to be comprehensive. Just by the format of it, there is no way that we can contain all of Christian teaching or all of the pagan distortions of it in this series. There will surely be exceptions to many of the rules, and there will be both pagans and Christians who will disagree with various details. But the goal is to give you a good idea of the big picture; you can learn the nuances and the details from there.
We hope, by God’s grace, to give you new eyes so that you can see the culture around you in new ways. We won’t be focusing as much on case studies—in this series, at least!—as on making clear the fundamental spiritual conflict going on in the world today, the conflict between what we call “one-ism” and “two-ism.” We want you to be able to see the roots of it, to see how the Truth of God and the Lie get exchanged in our culture. Once you see that, it will be easier to analyze different problems in the culture for yourself.
This is not meant to be an end point. It is our hope that once you’ve read through our Catechism, you will be in a position to read through truthXchange’s published books with greater ease and profit. You should also be able to read other books, watch the news, watch movies, surf the net, listen to music, and so forth, with a clearer idea of what is going on beneath the surface, and how the cultural details connect to the great struggles of the faith in our time. And if you’re already familiar with the work of truthXchange, we hope this will be a helpful summary.
Jun 5, 2009