Jan 13, 2012


Two-ism and the Missional Life: Pastor David Fandey Speaker Profile

Our third featured speaker for the truthXchange Think Tank, The Beauty of Two, is Pastor David Fandey of Carlsbad, CA.

There are lots of impressive professional accomplishments that Pastor David has on his bio page and I’ll share those with you in a moment. But I have to tell you that two of the staffers from truthXchange, including me, go to The Fields and have the privilege of sitting under Pastor David’s teaching and leadership.  And so, once again, I have the very real joy of sharing with you from a personal perspective how appropriate it is that this speaker has been chosen to speak on Two-ism and the Missional Life.

Pastor David planted The Fields  in 2003.  Along with the other elders of the church, he leads with a heart desiring to see God grow passionate followers of Jesus Christ.  The aim of this missional church plant affiliated with the Acts 29 church planters network is to provide people with an opportunity to hear the gospel in a way that they can understand and to cultivate an environment where people can grow in their relationship with and understanding of God.  As a regular member of The Fields family, I have been encouraged and stretched in my understanding of what it means to live life with an eye toward sharing my faith and reaching out to the people in my daily life with the truth of the gospel.  This has been due, in part, to seeing the example set by David and his wife Wilma.

I asked Joshua, Dr. Jones’ Executive Assistant, what his thoughts were about David’s example as a pastor in our church and he immediately responded, “Well, he’s involved with his community as a soccer coach, seeking opportunities to share the gospel.  He’s involved with the school district as a parent, seeking new ways to reach other parents with the gospel.  He lives intentionally among those who don’t know the gospel, being bold when the time comes to share…” You get the gist of it, I’m sure.

We do not lionize men, for God is deserving of all glory and adoration.  But I think it is right and good to acknowledge the way God is using men and to thank Him for their gifts and His work in our lives and the lives of those around us through them.  This is why I can say so boldly that I believe Pastor David is an ideal person to share with us the beauty of Two-ism in living a missional life.  Again, as with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Caneday, Pastor Fandey teaches  in part  by example.

But, as I mentioned, he has some stellar professional credentials, too.  Pastor David earned his engineering degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and worked in aerospace for five years before going into full time ministry.  He has an MDiv from Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and is near to completion of a Master of Theology with an emphasis in New Testament studies.  Before planting The Fields, David served 9 years at Riverview Church located in North County, San Diego.  He has been serving as an adjunct professor at Biola University for over ten years.  David is also the Australia area director for Acts29 International.

David and his wife Wilma have been married 19 years have six children.

We are so excited to have Pastor David with us again at the think tank this year, this time as a speaker.




Mary Eady

