The Coming Pagan “Utopia” :
Christian Witness in Tough Times
Hope and change are not just political slogans for a presidential campaign. We all have hopes and plans that affect our thinking about spirituality, ecology, education, government and sexuality. Join a wide variety of Christian leaders at the tXc 2013 conference, “The Coming Pagan “Utopia”: Christian Witness in Tough Times, February 5-8, 2013 at New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido, CA, where ten excellent speakers will show you the shocking plans One-ist leaders and thinkers are setting in place for the world’s future and where we will hear the truth about God’s coming glorious utopia. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to understand pagan utopian hopes and to strengthen your skills in sharing the gospel in an increasingly hostile world.
Register Today!
We do not want to hinder anyone from coming, but we do depend on your generosity to maintain our budget. We provide this unique resource free of charge. However, this year we are suggesting a $125 per person/$200 per couple donation, if the Lord enables you to help the ministry of truthXchange in this way. If you can’t come this year, but would like to sponsor a needy leader (especially our overseas hopefuls) you can donate on-line (designate the conference option) or send a check to truthXchange, 333 S. Juniper St, Suite 214, Escondido, CA 92025.
Dr. John West, Dr. Cal Beisner, Mrs. Pam Frost, Dr. Thaddeus Williams, Dr. Michael Brown, Rev. Joe Boot, Janet Mefferd, Rev. Ted Hamilton, and Dr. Dennis Johnson will be joining Dr. Peter Jones. Together they’ll look at The Coming Pagan “Utopia”: Christian Witness in Tough Times, examining the difference between One-ism’s plan to make our world a better place and God’s glorious utopia.
Join Us in Escondido!
We are compelled to share our vision! These meetings are a valuable means of strengthening and equipping the body of Christ to present the gospel in the 21st. Century.
You will experience:
- 3 ½ content-packed days,
- enjoy California sunshine,
- meet a wide variety of Christian leaders.
- spend time in prayer,
- build relationships while you eat three marvelous meals a day prepared by our now famous cooks, Anne and Joseph Foreman
Aug 27, 2012