Feb 22, 2016


The Two Loves: A Biblical Response to “Gay Christianity”

Facing a mounting cultural pressure to conform, Christians often receive accusations of bigotry and hate. The Bible offers us a positive, life-giving message of salvation, expressed, in particular, in a life of God-honoring heterosexuality.

In view of the growing influence of “Gay Christianity” in our churches, do you feel able to speak about your beliefs to the people God has placed in your life? truthXchange can help. Join us at our Oct 7-9, 2016 conference, where you will learn two basic truths to help you speak to the heart of gender and sexuality issues.two loves

First, the conference will deepen your understanding of why the collapse of our culture into pagan (Oneist) thinking leads naturally to the practice and theory of homosexuality. We will not deal with questions of politics, psychology or “gay” rights; nor will we offer a moralistic and defensive anti-homosexual stance. At their core level, gender and sexual issues are theological questions.

Second, the conference will equip you to articulate the Bible’s holistic (Twoist) worldview: how God made the world distinct from himself and how the world witnesses to his Trinitarian character. On this basis, we will examine the beautiful and comprehensive calling of biblical wisdom and holiness.



