The Director’s Bag: Episode 5
Eating Edibles and Having Pride, to the Glory of God?
Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he answers questions from subscribers around the globe, addressing issues about worldview, cultural apologetics, and other miscellaneous items. I am your host Joshua Gielow, and this is another edition of the director’s bag.
Rachel, from NM
Hi Dr. Ventrella, I wondered if you could talk a bit more about psychedelics and perhaps medicinal marijuana from a Christian worldview. Jordan Peterson has indicated that psychedelics may have been what Moses experienced in the desert with the burning bush, or what was kept in the Ark of the Covenant. You, along with others like Albert Mohler, seem to draw a conclusion that it is never good. I can think of a few scenarios where it can be of aid like a glass of wine, or for those who suffer from cancer. Is there a way to steward them well for God’s glory?
Victor, San Bernardino, CA
Hey Joshua and Dr. Ventrella, I love the new Director’s Bag podcast set up. I wish you had more released throughout the week. Keep’ em coming. This month is pride month, and I admit I am not very charitable or eloquent in talking to believers or non-believers who are stuck in the lgbtq lifestyle. Do you have any advice for how you engage personally with the lgbtq community? Please keep me in prayer as I think through how I should engage them.