The Director’s Bag: Episode 2
“My mother makes me read your dictas!”:
Addressing questions about CRT and Abortion.
Welcome to the TruthXchange Podcast: This is a weekly program with Dr Jeffery J Ventrella where he addresses questions from subscribers around the globe, answering questions about worldview, cultural apologetics, and other miscellaneous items. I am your host Joshua Gielow, and this is another edition of the director’s bag.
Thomas writes-
“Dear TruthXchange, I am a freshman in High School and my mom makes me read your weekly dictas. I am struggling with some of the issues involving CRT. Some of it I understand is clearly wrong and against the Bible, but some of it makes sense. One of those is the area of the power aspect, oppressed and oppressor. I see some of those themes in the bible and it seems helpful to understand some of my friends’ perspectives. I don’t want to be a bad witness to my friends but I feel stuck when I talk to them about Jesus and that Christianity has been oppressive to many minorities.”
Jay from North Carolina writes-
“How should we understand the issue of abortion according to the bible? Doesn’t God call for the killing of Canaanite children, and in the psalms for the psalmist enemies’ children’s teeth to be grounded upon the rocks?”
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