One-ism in Culture

Do you watch celebrity culture? Do you want to wear what they wear? Do you want to drink the beer, champagne, or soda they drink? If we don’t worship celebrity we often worship ourselves. How often do you check your facebook page? How often to you check your Twitter account? How often do you check your email? We are immersed culturally in self worship and celebrity worship, which are the very most popular forms of One-ism. Pastor Mark Driscoll discusses examples of these forms of idolatry and their implications and effects on culture through the lens of One-ism. If you work with youth, teens and young adults, you know that all of these are becoming more and more serious issues.
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Dr. Jones Explains the Gnostic Gospel

Dr. Peter Jones spoke at the Ligonier Ministries 2010 West Coast Conference, themed, “A Christless Christianity.” He explained that Americans are incurably “spiritual,” but this spirituality expresses itself in ways that are incompatible with biblical Christianity. It expresses itself in ways that are essentially Gnostic. The American church has not been immune to the influence of this American Gnosticism. In this video, Dr. Jones compares this private, mystical, and inward religious mentality with the corporate, doctrinal, and visible faith of orthodox Christianity. In a second video, he joined a panel with Michael Horton and R.C. Sproul to answer questions about the church.
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