Jul 15, 2011


The Truth and the Lie in Social Justice

We are created by God for His purposes and to bring Him glory. But, as Francis Chan discusses in this message on social justice, it is often hard to remember that distinction when we are doing good for others. The good we do often brings us glory and brings us praise. But as Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Who do we glorify in our work for fellow man? What is our purpose in reaching out? Is it so that we can save the world? Is it to bring glory to ourselves? Is it so we can feel simply that we did something good? That is not why we’re made, and that’s not why we’re called to reach out. In this Two-ist world we are not concerned only with our own circle of existence as One-ists are. We are called to bring glory to God, our separate, worthy creator. This act is more difficult than it seems on the surface.



Mary Eady

