The Victory of the Pagan Cosmology

This period of legalization will be followed by the institutionalization and normalization of the victory, both by extending the implications to all manner of "loves," and by the aggressive silencing all opposition, for a peaceful, unified world--built, alas, on the putrefaction of the sinful human heart, that will eventually choke on its own vomit! Our culture will be "given over" to its sinful choices, as Paul says in Romans 1:24, without any "Gospel restraint," but it is not the final word. Because God gave over his Son to bear the sin of the world as a sacrificial victim, He will return as Lord and Judge of the earth to set all things right.
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Letter to a Homosexual Friend

Because I believe how valuable you are, as a Christian I must say to you, out of deep respect for you and a concern for your future, that as a homo- sexual you are engaging in a sexual practice that is contrary to the design that God the Creator intended for you. Please understand that these things are not easy for Christians to say. These are not my ideas. We are all dependent on higher authority for issues of this nature. Of course, in the present climate, it’s easier not to say them, because if we do, we risk being accused of hate speech.
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