Two-ism and Scripture: Dr. Ardel Caneday Speaker Profile
You don’t need to go much further than Dr. Ardel Caneday’s academic accomplishments to understand why he will be a powerful, thought provoking speaker as he presents to us on Two-ism and Scripture. Dr. Caneday is Professor of New Testament & Biblical Theology at Northwestern University in St. Paul, MN where he has taught for twenty years. Among his many publications, one that touches significantly upon his presentation at this year’s Think Tank is “Veiled Glory: God’s Self-Revelation in Human Likeness—A Biblical Theology of God’s Anthropomorphic Self-Disclosure,” in Beyond the Bounds: Open Theism and the Undermining of Biblical Christianity.”
Dr. Caneday has also served in the capacity of Senior pastor, as a professor at multiple noteworthy institutions, carries a PhD in New Testament from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a ThM in Systematic Theology and an MDiv in Pastoral Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Exegesis from Grace Theological Seminary.
Along with his professional credentials, Dr. Caneday is a well-respected faculty member and professor who, according to Dr. Jones recently is “a staunch, able defender of Biblical orthodoxy.” We have had the privilege of working with other professors from Northwestern and the respect and deep affection they hold for Dr. Caneday is always immediately apparent. We are very much looking forward to Dr. Caneday’s presentation for us at the Think Tank and are sure that you will be blessed by it, too.
“God not only reveals Himself through creation, but to creation. To know God more deeply in the mystery of His person, we need His personal self-revelation in Scripture, that ‘the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His Prophets in the holy Scriptures.’ The Bible is not a security blanket for fearful fundamentalists, but an indispensable component of Two-ism…The One0ist goes within to find truth…The distinction between the Creator and the creature in Two-ism shows us that the God who is outside and aboce the circle of the earth is the one who speaks into it…The Bible is a mighty, merciful act of God. Just as the Word had to become flesh, so it had to become text. Such an “objective” source of real knowledge also explains human rationality.” Dr. Peter Jones, One or Two