
Some Exciting News from the tXc Board Meeting

It was great to see Dr. Jones come through the door followed closely by Rebecca on their return from the truthXchange board meeting earlier this week.  They were excited, inspired and ready to work.  Much was accomplished at this meeting and we certainly have our work cut out for us!

I’ve been given the pleasure of announcing our Board for this upcoming year!  This is some of the fun of being the current resident blogger — sharing exciting news with all of you.  And so, you’re hearing it here first.

Here is our Board in 2009:

Our Executive Director remains, of course, Dr. Peter Jones.

Continuing to act as Chairman for truthXchange is Matthew Bohling.

We are thrilled to welcome Harry Reeder of Briarwood Presbyterian Church as our Vice-Chair.

Equally exciting is the appointment of Hugh Jacks as Secretary.

We will also continue to benefit from the wonderful and capable leadership of Jim Routson as our truthXchange Treasurer.

Stay tuned for more information about projects we have ahead of us.  This is going to be an exciting year.

Thank you all for your prayers this week for the meeting.  The Lord blessed us with guidance and we can’t wait to see what He has in store for 2009.  May He be glorified and lifted up in all of it.


Dec 13, 2008



Mary Eady

