Our Pagan Children
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6). For centuries, this biblical wisdom has reassured Christian parents—until now. Our culture is pushing an increasingly pagan worldview on our Christian children. About 75% of evangelical children abandon their faith after a year or two of college. But college-age men and women should at least know enough to resist! It gets worse: our young, tender little ones are now on the front lines.
Grade-school and pre-school boys and girls face a massive brainwashing assault that tells them there are no gender distinctions. One Texas school authority ordered teachers to cease referring to a child as a “boy” or a “girl.” Such terms lead to judgmental thinking and discrimination! This phenomenon is happening all over the Western, once Christian, world. One reason given in the UK is that the term “girls” can make them think they have to do everything perfectly, which can “create a lot of anxiety” in children and teenagers.
A few years ago we were told that homosexuals only wanted the right to be themselves in the privacy of their own homes. Now the demand includes legally-enforced affirmations of the gay agenda, taught in schools. Our children are not protected. A few days ago, a close Christian friend told us that his four-year old son was being kissed by another four-year old boy at school. The classmate’s behavior was no doubt influenced by that of his “two daddies.” In a Swedish book for toddlers and preschoolers entitled Hästen & Husse, a transgender man puts on lipstick and women’s clothes and lives with a confused pet horse that thinks it’s a dog. This book teaches preschoolers the “noble” message that transgenderism is normal and that they can “be who they want to be.” The author, Susanne Pelger, (PhD in genetics and biology), asks children if men can wear dresses and lipstick, and the children answer “Yes! You are as you are. That’s when you’re the best.” According to child psychiatrist Louise Frisén, the number of Swedish children wanting to be transgender has been rising by 100 per cent each year. She writes a blog, “Save my Sweden.” A Canadian could equally write, “Save my Canada,” since the Ontario government threatens to remove children from “abusive” parents who do not allow them to transition. In San Francisco, a summer camp that centers around transgender children announced it would accept children as young as four.
The arguments for alternate sexualities are endlessly modifiable. We hear that gender can be what we want it to be; we can eliminate traditional “obligatory sexualities and sex roles” to create “an androgynous and genderless (though not sexless) society, in which one’s sexual anatomy is irrelevant to who one is, what one does, and with whom one makes love.”
This thesis is powerfully expressed by postmodern feminist, Judith Butler.[1] In Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990) and Undoing Gender (2004), Butler sees gender as “performativity theory.” Being a woman or man is not something one is but something one decides to do. There is no divine creation; only self-creation. Transgender is helpful to this theory because it contends that biology can be manipulated to fit one’s chosen gender. It used to be that homosexuals claimed they were born that way. Now, self-created hyper-sexualization is the ultimate argument used to destroy Western God-fearing culture. By deconstructing sexuality, man is remade in the image of the genderless, impersonal state and God is nowhere.
But there is another view of sexuality and even kids “get it.” I have been moved to see school children get hold of the big picture on sexuality. It’s not hard—like the little boy who spoke up to say, “The Emperor has no clothes!” our children can understand and say what Genesis 1:27 tells us: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” This binary (Twoist) description of our sexuality is an easy and obvious truth for our children. The two genders are not “one.” People will not succeed in creating their own identity. The image of God in male and female is our true identity, given to us by God. The image of the personal Trinitarian God who is both one and many is given both to male and female, and explains their differences as well as their “one flesh” unity. This is why God in Genesis 1:18 pronounced the separations in creation “very good.”
The Bible’s view of sexuality is not small-minded moralism, unloving discrimination, heartless violence, or cruel bullying. It is a theistic understanding of the universe, deeply founded on the personal being of God Himself. This is ground zero for everyone. Homosexuality, lesbianism and transgender are “unnatural,” (Rom 1:26) and out of order with the physical cosmos. They are a rejection of the natural world and of God, who is the moral judge and the intelligent, ordering Creator of all things.
Just as the three persons of the Trinity must be kept separate in identity and function, so the man and the woman cannot forsake their specific sexual identities to merge into an androgynous being (the goal of paganism). Their ultimate human dignity reflects the person of God the Creator.
In maintaining these creation structures, we also reflect the image of God, revealed in Jesus, the definitive revelation of the image of God in human form. “There is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist” (1 Cor 8:6 ESV). Jesus says: “He who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). In this one human being we see the deep essence of the transcendent God of creation as He is: a loving Creator and Redeemer. In his incarnation, Jesus reveals the eternal, unfathomable, mysterious God, making him accessible to human beings. In his birth, life, atoning death, resurrection and ascension, Jesus is the heart of the Gospel, the good news that God the Creator and Law-Giver is also the Savior. Jesus is the supreme expression to fallen humanity of God’s love. “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).
In our restless search for identity, we need to meet Jesus, the true source of human identity, the revelation of God in human form. Only he can keep our kids from paganism.
[1] Simone de Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe (Gallimard, 1949, 2004): “One is not born a woman; one becomes one.”