
Merry Christmas from truthXchange

(The following is sent from Dr. and Mrs. Jones who are with family for Christmas)

To all our friends, encouragers and supporters who have stood with us during this past year, we send you our heartfelt Christmas greetings. We trust your faith will be encouraged as you reflect upon the enormity of this celebration: God the transcendent Creator, at a specific moment in the history He created, entered our human lot to redeem us from our sin. Only He could accomplish such salvation. On Christ’s atonement we base our lives and our ministry.

“On Christ the solid rock I stand: all other ground us sinking sand.”

P.S. In the middle of writing this greeting from my older son’s home in Colorado Springs, where we have come to spend Christmas, I learned at 1:00 pm December 23, as the parents came in from the doctor, that their two year old daughter, Maya, has a tumor in the muscle of her right shoulder. They have just left (2:30 pm) for the Denver Children’s hospital for an emergency biopsy by a specialist. Rebecca and I and our daughter Stasie are staying in their home with four-year-old Kellen. This will be an odd Christmas, but I pray that the truth of Christmas will sustain us.

This is a picture of dear Maya:

Please pray for us, but especially for the parents (Julien and Christina), for little Maya, and for her two brothers, Kellen and Finnan (1 month old).

Peter and Rebecca Jones

Kellen (4), Julien (daddy), Maya (2), Christina (mommy), and Finnan (1 month)


Dec 23, 2008



Mary Eady

