Jun 15, 2021


Marxism and Racism: The Issue Is Never the Issue

David Horowitz was at one time a knowledgeable 1960s Jewish revolutionary Marxist. After observing from the inside the hypocrisy of Leftist ideology, he is now a political conservative. He brings to bear on our situation today by describing with frankness the stunning “logic” of Marxism: “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”[1] Horowitz believes that progressive, socialist revolutionaries in America are now far closer to achieving their goals than the ’60s radicals ever were,[2] a thesis he expands in his book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America  (2019). We do well to give ear to this warning from a non-Christian observer.

Many find Marxism appealing, without the complications of God’s existence. In the late-nineteenth century, Karl Marx (1818–83), a German political observer, saw the mistreatment of the working class, including the unjust employment of children, and sought a political way of freeing these economically oppressed workers from oppressive bosses. Hence the Marxist appeal for social justice. Although Marx was intensely critical of institutionalized Christianity, some Christians have accepted the basic social justice premises of Marxism and attempt to reinterpret the Christian faith from this perspective. Some of the resulting examples are forms of “liberation theology” and “black theology” that see Marxism as a tool of social analysis to help Christians see how things really are. Villanova University sociology professor, Glenn Bracey, an African American, says, “The Marxist foundation of Critical Race Theory is at base a spiritual concern.”[3]

The call to ending racial wrongs, past and present, works like a charm because it is the best way to capture the lively conscience of the average American, who still breathes the fumes of a Christian moral system of generosity. That moral system has weakened considerably. The latest survey of the American Worldview Inventory from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center found that nearly half of millennials born between 1984 and 2002 said they “don’t know, care, or believe that God exists.” Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler, speaking for many in the older generation when in a debate on the morality of the Equality Act this year, stated that the House does not need any notions of a divine will. Very little in today’s culture is classified as moral or immoral, especially in the area of sexuality. As Dostoevsky said: “Without God…everything is permitted.”[4] Robert Webber in his 2008 book, Who Gets to Narrate the World? wrote that when “the past is lost, as it is now in our Western world, there is nothing left to focus on except the self.”[5] Thus the self becomes the ultimate authority that must be obeyed and cannot abide cancellation. In a godless reality there can be no genuine moral consensus. Yet one issue gets everyone’s attention, the immorality of racism that cries out for social injustice.

Marxism on the Move

The appeal of Marxism is growing in our time. It is growing in our armed forces, according to Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base, a U.S. Space Force unit tasked with detecting ballistic missile launches. Lohmeier was recently fired for stating that Marxist ideologies are becoming prevalent in the United States military. “The diversity, inclusion and equity industry and the trainings we are receiving in the military … [are] rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism.” Lohmeier sees this as a warning sign for the entire culture.[6] Another warning sign happened on Wednesday morning, May 26, 2021, when two FBI agents knocked on the door of the private residence of Arthur Schaper, national director of MassResistance, an organization defending traditional sexual values. The agents demanded to know if Schaper had attended the GOP Washington rally of January 6, or if he knew anyone who did.[7] A citizen is now subject to state vigilance and harassment merely for holding conservative values. One cannot help remembering that in the Marxism system of East Germany’s STASI in the 1950s through the 90s citizens were forced to report to the secret police the “thought crimes” of their neighbors and family members. One’s right to think and speak freely was not respected. Opposition was cancelled definitively, as in immediate execution. In America today, “cancel culture” stifles the voice of many, sometimes without their knowledge, as hi-tech companies use algorithms to suppress opinions they consider dangerous or untrue.[8] The old Marxism did not possess this technological power, but modern Chinese Marxism does, in spades. The poison now permeates the US, where one can be fired if not considered sufficiently “woke.” Tomorrow, for the same reason, one’s cultural freedom may well be denied. In a democratic culture so well-known in the past for free speech and individual respect, we need to ask if we are witnessing the first signs of what Marx said to the Russian society so many years ago: “Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution, a forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”[9]

The current rise of suspicion, accusation and control makes one ask what is behind the vicious, accusatory “anti-racist” riots that demand Whites to kneel publicly in shame and confession. Today’s African Americans have power and wealth that would have been unimaginable to their ancestors. Americans have twice elected a black president, now a black vice president, and there are many current and former black governors, senators, congressmen and women, SCOTUS justices, professors, journalists, entrepreneurs, millionaires and billionaires. Why then has race-informed rage inflamed so many? To be sure, sinful people are capable of racist actions. Whites have mistreated Blacks and vice versa; Blacks have mistreated Asians, who have, in turn, mistreated other Asians, the Koreans have little love lost on the Japanese, and so on. Rendering White people uniquely guilty of racist-motivated slavery is clearly false, for it fails to account for the actual history of slavery around the world. African nations sold their own people for their own enrichment; South American brown people were the most numerous slavers in the Americas; and the Muslim slave trade lasted far longer than the Atlantic slave trade, trafficking no less than 28 million Africans (according to the research of Ghanaian scholar, John Azumah);[10]  thousands of Slavic slaves (Slavic is the term from which “slave” is derived) were part of Muslim slave caravans in the Middle Ages, [11] sometimes numbering five thousand white slaves.[12] In that caravan, white supremacy was not working.

We must ask whether the charge of systemic White racism is a genuine problem or a strategy, a pretext, for the progressive Left to take over political and cultural power, now being identified as a uniquely White privilege. Today’s ubiquitous cry of “Racism!” is perhaps not the real issue. One must wonder if the real issue is a political, cultural and spiritual revolution that contemporary progressives wish to produce. What kind of a culture do these revolutionaries wish to install? Most of us now have a sense that we are living in revolutionary times. The class-based conflict of old Marxism, namely the war between the workers and the owners, has morphed into the racist struggle between those who have rights, wealth and privilege,—the Whites, and those who do not—Blacks and Browns. 

In Their Own Words

Perhaps we need to take seriously what BLM and other powerful anti-racists actually say. As committed Marxists, they righteously call for the end of racism, but they state their true interest clearly. It is nothing less than the destruction of the nuclear family, of normative heterosexuality, and of the individual human rights of Western justice and free speech. It is not only our First Amendment rights that disappear but also the deep cultural effects of Christian theism. They want to bring down a system whose seeds were planted in the New World over 400 years ago. 

The goals of the New Black Panther Party are “death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism, and death to fascism.”[13] We find death to capitalism also in Alicia Garza, one of the Marxist founders of BLM, who succinctly summarized its true objectives. The goal is not the end of racism. The goal is political. “It’s not possible for a world to emerge where black lives matter if it’s under capitalism.”[14] Ibram X. Kendi, full professor and head of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University made a similar remark: “To love racism is to end up loving capitalism.”[15] Clearly Garza and Kendi do not intend to bring down capitalism as such (understood narrowly as economic free enterprise), since, with millions of dollars at their disposal, they are both doing well by any normal definitions of capitalistic financial success.[16] Their intention is to overthrow the spirituality and morality associated with Judeo-Christian culture. According to Matthew Lohmeier, noted above, this view is being so well taught to the military that an officer recently tweeted: “America’s systemic race problem won’t end until we burn the system to the ground.”[17] This officer was not asked to leave, but Lohmeier was. But behind the struggle for rights lies the real goal: power via the “revolution” that will overturn Western “Christian” civilization and initiate a new form of atheistic Marxism. About this, what should Christians think and how should they react?

Marxist Pagan Oneism

The Christian citizen, who is naturally in favor of justice, must be aware of the enormous danger of Marxist ideology, which now threatens the very heart of classic political liberalism. The great heresy of Marxism and the great danger to Western culture is not an economic system but a religious rejection of a personal Creator God, which by force obliges us to see humanity as divine. This rejection of theism is taking over our young people, just like Marx, a classic pagan, who believed that humanity is God. In such a system, certain human beings (the party and its leader) are able to understand existence and morals with infallible knowledge of the human situation. Marx declared he would “confront all the gods of heaven and earth who do not recognize human consciousness as the supreme divinity.”[18] The great Marxist goal was a utopia defined and “peopled by quasi-divine beings.”[19]

By granting divine rights to certain humans, the rights of all other individuals are inevitably denied. To this humanistic definition of morals the individual must submit, very often on pain of death. In communism, the humanly fallible political party actually defines justice by defining oppressors and oppressed. But the rise of the oppressed creates a new system of oppressors and oppressed. Without God, human value is entirely eroded. To deny the Creator/creature distinction also denies human individuality. On the other hand, a system based on God as the ultimate giver of rights, no one individual or group of individuals can claim ultimate authority. Even a president or a king is under God. There is a recognized separation between the Creator and his creation and individual value is recognized because each person is made in God’s image. The Bible invokes capital punishment precisely because mankind is made in God’s image (Genesis 9:6). In a general sense, Marxism is the classic political expression of pagan Oneism, and Western civilization, influenced by Christian theism is a political expression (though always imperfect) of biblical Twoism. These are the ultimate political expressions before us. 

Political Oneism

Oneism, according to Paul in Romans 1:25, is the worship of creation. Matter is ultimate and the idea of a Creator is false and foolish. If matter is all there is, then there are no ultimate God-created distinctions. In its present form, Marxism (particularly in BLM) claims to be concerned about what “matters” especially in promotion of racial justice. But it also redefines morality by embracing the normality of homosexuality and rejection of the traditional patriarchal family. In any Oneist system, which denies God-defined distinctions, all is open to acts of personal power. The individual is at the mercy of identity groups whose notion of “power to the people” for a “workers’ paradise” seeks to create a utopian egalitarian society based on equity and sameness but denies the image of God. Critical Race Theory identifies “the oppressed” as those connected via “intersectionality,” namely gays, and transsexuals, implying that in the coming Marxist utopian society all these life-styles would be celebrated. This is a Oneist denial of divinely instituted distinctions.

Marxism allows for no marketplace of ideas, no freedom of conscience or religion, and no place for personal opinions—only “cancel culture,” the canceling of social groups or opinions, denied a rightful place in cultural exchange. Presently academia requires that all job candidates be loyal to leftist ideology, which entirely skews the hiring process. An honest conservative often doesn’t survive. In schools, Critical Race Theory is not interested in math, science or music. In all subjects, it teaches revolution in an indoctrination process used to convince initiates of their fundamental White guilt. There is no place for intelligent discussion or respectful disagreement. Today’s “cancel culture” is clearly a modern form of the class warfare of classic Marxism, in which the individual had no rights and there was no discussion of key issues, since the party, and especially the party leader, was always right. For instance, Stalin was right when he deliberately planned a famine in the Ukraine as an instrument of social engineering. He wrote: “…it is necessary to break the resistance of this class [the Kulaks] with an open battle and to deprive it of the economic sources of its existence and development.[20] Stalin’s 1932 decision caused a man-made famine and mass starvation that eliminated three and a half million Ukrainians in the so-called genocide of Holodomor (a combination of the Ukrainian words for hunger [holod] and extermination [mor]).[21]

The real goal of convinced Marxists is the overthrow of the free market system and of traditional Christianity-inspired Western White culture. BLM founder Patrisse Cullors, the self-described “trained Marxist,” sitting on millions of dollars contributed by leading Western corporations, speaks of her intensive study reading leading Marxists. “We spent the year reading anything from Marx, to Lenin, to Mao, learning all types of global critical theory.”[22] In a video by Cullors entitled, “What Is Abolition and Am I An Abolitionist?”[23] Cullors repeatedly calls herself an “abolitionist.” She talks about her “abolitionist journey” and the “abolitionist future we deserve.” The choice of vocabulary is not by chance. Marx used it many times in the Communist Manifesto claiming that communism seeks to “abolish the present state of things[24] and that communists “openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”[25] Very simply, Cullors declares her Marxist goal is to “upset the set-up,”[26] but this innocuous phrase clearly means what Marx stated: no less than to “abolish the present state of things.”

Political Twoism

If Marxism is political Oneism in our cultural and political life, theism (what I call Twoism, based on Romans 1:25), leads to a cultural and political system in which an independent, supreme, personal God is the ultimate source of rights and truth. A culture influenced by the essential notion of Judeo-Christian principles of self-governing, and the rights of the individual, made in God’s image, reflects the true distinction between creation and the God who created. Respect for the personal God grants the individual citizen, made in God’s image, ultimate value. Hence the free exchange of goods and opinions emphasizes the essential importance of individual rights not only in economics but also in law and human justice. Via the mechanism of democracy, individuals play a role in determining the outworking of justice—hopefully, relying on the morality revealed in the Scriptures. If humans organize their civil life to reflect the laws of God for our human flourishing, they will recognize the normativity of heterosexuality, male-female marriage, father-led families, and honor the health-promoting creational distinctions that are the result of common grace. Marxists desire to abolish all of these. Such a system might be called political Twoism (though it lacks the good news of the gospel and its promise of eternal life with God). Such a political system allows for the freedom to preach the gospel, even to Marxists, who need to hear it! God the Creator is also God the Redeemer. Christianity can and should promote the rights of constitutional citizenship, but it does not have as its ultimate goal the realization of a political humanly-created culture. Thus it rejects physical violence for political ends. Christianity knows that one day God will end history and bring in his own just kingdom, the only one for which we pray—“thy kingdom come.” In the present, Christians, as salt and light, seek the blessing of God on our neighbors in this common earthly culture, making known God’s glory and his will for the sake of human thriving. This includes eliminating all forms of genuine racism.

Most of all, Christians are devoted to making the gospel known, based on Christ’s atoning crucifixion and life-giving resurrection, as the only way to God and the only remedy for the sin-stained plight of mankind. Marxist Oneism, on the other hand, once it gains total control, always eliminates any expressed faith in God as a threat to its false totalitarian claims, and outlaws gospel preaching as a menace to its fabricated cultural promises.

The Political Use of Racism

The nightmare of slavery is not to be blamed exclusively on white skin or Western civilization. Slavery is a universal problem, as are all forms of racism. Today, as in recent American history, something else is going on. We return to the issue of Marxism. Whites are now made guilty for the sake of social revolution, as they were in the past. According to Manning Johnson, in his book Color, Communism and Common Sense (1958), this accusation of racism has happened before. Johnson, a first-hand witness, describes a vast attempt by Soviet and American communists in 1934-35, in which he was at first involved, to undermine faith in American institutions via a massive program to expose America as deeply racist. The goal was to create “a common front against the white oppressors.”[27] Johnson, a black American, documents that the plot to use “Negroes as the [expendable] spearhead” of the undermining of America to take it over was created by Stalin in 1928. Little wonder that Neomarxism, years later, employs the same technique.

It is surely suspicious that the attack on conservative and Christian values is part of the constant charge of racism, in programs taught in schools, universities, government agencies and corporations. The persistent theme is “White supremacy.” Certainly, every person must constantly check his or her heart as to the presence of racism—for all kinds of races, by all kinds of races. Christians, however, must be resolutely aware in this day and age of the great challenge before us in the rising forces of ideological Marxism, which pursues “the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”[28] Christians must understand the spiritual struggles in our culture today, not only by naming and eschewing genuine racism but also by avoiding simplistic social gospel teaching in the church. The great task before us is to realize that the godless cosmology of cultural Marxism, seducing the rising generations, is the latest form of a powerful (and political) pagan Oneism, which seeks to silence the ultimate truth of biblical Twoism, which is the final answer to the human quest for the meaning of existence.[29]

Man is not God: God is God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.





[5] Cited in




[9], P.18.







[16] Patrisse Cullors resigned on Thursday, May 27, 2021 amid controversy surrounding her personal wealth. also Twitter boss, Jack Dorsey recently gave $10m to Kendi. See



[19] Cited in Thomas Molnar, Utopia: The Perennial Heresy, (Sheed and Ward, NY, 1967), 41.

[20] I found this in an Italian translation of his work, Josef Stalin, Questioni di leninismo, (Rome, 1945).


[22] Cited in an important essay by Paul Kengor, “BLM Founder Patrisse Cullors, Marxist Abolitionist,” In a well-documented article, Joseph Hippolito,“Beijing’s Lies Matter: Chinese communists nurture BLM to destabilize America,” Jun 11, 2021, (, documents the BLM present connection to the Communist party.


[24] Art.cit, Kengor, “BLM Founder…”

[25] Art.cit, Kengor, “BLM Founder…”

[26] The BLM myth is turning the millions of encounters law enforcement had with African-Americans in 2019, into a racist genocide. It’s much proclaimed message of police brutality threatening black genocide is a deliberate untruth—based on a lie! In fact, only 9 unarmed blacks were killed in 2019, and according to police records, a majority of the fatal encounters were the outcome of fully justified police actions of self-defense. In the same year, 19 unarmed whites were shot dead by police; yet no one hears or even seems to care about these victims, because they don’t fit the Left’s narrative. 93% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. This is the true genocide that needs to be stopped. Police are NOT waging war on African-Americans. This is a profound lie. This is NOT a nation mired in systemic racism. No one knows leftist radicals better than David Horowitz. He says Black Lives Matter, Antifa (that calls for “death to America”) and Occupy Wall Street all seek the same thing: a progressive, aka socialist, revolution in America – and they are far closer to achieving it today than ’60s radicals ever were. and in addition, siding with anti-semitic Palestinian terrorists, calls for putting an end to Israel. See

[27] Manning Johnson, Color, Communism and Common Sense (Martino Fine Books, 1958), 7 and 15.

[28] Art.cit, Kengor, “BLM Founder…”

[29] After finishing this article I discovered the work of Bruce Thornton, “Critical Race Theory’s Marxist Roots

And Its Existential Danger To Our Political Freedom And Unalienable Rights,” (Jun 10, 2021) which independently confirms the thesis I defend here. 

PHOTO: Base photo is Karl Marx | Карл Маркс, 1875. Photo provided by Flickr user Olga. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) Additional design elements by Donald Kendal.



Peter Jones

