Dec 13, 2013


Mark Your Calendar: Feb. 4-6 2014, Think Tank

Feb 4 (5pm)–Feb 6, 2014

New Life Presbyterian Church, Escondido, CA

Shining as Lights: Telling the Truth in the Pagan Utopia

Speakers and lectures 

Speaking Binary Truth in a World Committed to Pagan Oneism (Dr. Peter Jones)

Scripture: the Final Form of Truth (Bp. Eric Menees)

The Power of Twoism in the Land of the Oneist Lie (Rev. Joe Boot)

Evangelism in Multicultural Intolerance (Dr. Thaddeus Williams)

Speaking the Truth through the Christian Family (Mrs. Rebecca Clowney Jones)

Salt and Light in Oneist Culture (Dr. Jeffery Ventrella, Esq.)

Christian Witness in Confrontation with Pagan Environmentalism (Dr. Cal Beisner)

Camouflage and Use of Language to Deceive (TBA)

Is this your first time hearing about our think tanks? Watch the video below to see what these amazing events are all about:

We do not want to hinder anyone from coming, but we do depend on your generosity to maintain our budget. We provide this unique resource free of charge. However, this year we are suggesting a $150 per person/$225 per couple donation, if the Lord enables you to help the ministry of truthXchange in this way.

If you can’t come this year, but would like to sponsor a needy leader (especially our overseas hopefuls) you can donate on-line (designate the think tank option) or send a check to truthXchange, 333 S. Juniper St, Suite 214, Escondido, CA 92025.

Housing and Hotels

truthXchange is delighted to offer host housing free of charge to to think tank attendees. This housing is provided on a first come, first served basis so it is important to register as quickly as possible if you are interested in this kind of accommodation. Otherwise, we are happy to provide the following link to Yelp! reviews of hotels, motels and inns in the area. Click here to see a list of local hotels and reviews. If you would like to share a hotel room with another attendee, please indicate this in your registration form and we will do our best to match you up with other attendees looking to share expenses.




Joshua Gielow

