
Generational Lies and Timeless Truths

“I’m not a Christian, but I’m very spiritual. It really doesn’t matter what you believe as long as your heart is in the right place.”

“Honestly, why would God care who I love as long as we make each other happy? Love is love, it doesn’t have to follow any rules.”

“I don’t go to church. I believe Jesus was a wise teacher and I believe what he said, but I just don’t go for all the dogma.”

“We shouldn’t need to preach the Gospel; we should just be the Gospel.”

Do any of these ideas sound familiar to you? Chances are, if you haven’t said or thought them yourself, you know or care about someone who has.

How much of today’s commonly held beliefs about the what the church is, who we’re called to be as Christians, and the God we serve conflict with what Scripture tells us. As our culture becomes more and more convinced of these ideas, it becomes more urgently necessary for Christ’s church to be able to understand the beliefs underneath them and to respond with loving, clear truth.

This year, at truthXchange’s 2015 Think Tank, “Generational Lies; Timeless Truths” we invite you to join us to discuss the lies we’ve held onto and passed on for generations, and to work together to give answers based in the timeless, unchanging truth of Scripture, which reach the heart of those who know something is broken, and are looking desperately to fix it.

Join us February 3-5, 2015 in Escondido, CA at New Life Presbyterian Church for this much anticipated annual event.

Speakers Include:

Dr. Peter Jones, truthXchange

Mr. Aaron Armstrong, Blogging Theologically

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation

Dr. Joe Boot, Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity

Rev. Ted Hamilton, New Life Presbyterian Church, Escondido

Mrs. Rebecca Jones, truthXchange

Dr. Jeffery Ventrella, Alliance Defending Freedom

Dr. Thaddeus Williams, Talbot School of Theology

Please stay tuned for registration information, hotel and housing accommodations and more!




Nov 7, 2014



