Early Bird Rate Ends June 30th
Do members of your congregation come to you because of relatives or friends who have come out as gay? Perhaps you yourself have friends or family members in that situation.
The rise of homosexual theory and practice has pastors and other Christian leaders around the country hesitant to speak out on LGBT and homosexual issues and pondering how the church can maintain the biblical principles of sexuality while increasing our love for and Christian witness to those who have chosen aberrant sexual behavior.
As followers of Christ who face growing cultural hostility, we must not compromise the bold, biblical and historical witness of the Christian faith concerning sexuality. Our response must not be based on fear, gay-bashing, judgmentalism, a desire for political power or an attempt to take America back. It must, rather, be based on the simple Creator/creature distinction and on Christ-centered, gospel-focused truth.
Our 2016 truthXchange conference, Two Loves: A Biblical Response to “Gay Christianity” will not give you all the practical answers you will need for your own situation, but it will help you understand how the theory and practice of sexuality is affected by our acceptance or rejection of the Creator/creation distinction. We seek to lay a theological foundation for all Christians considering the ramifications of the gender discussion.
We hope to accomplish two main goals in this conference:
1. We will analyze the incompatibility of what is known as Gay Christianity with the creational and gospel truths the Bible has revealed. To do so, we will show that homosexuality is a logical physical outworking of the rejection of the Creator/creature distinction.
2. We will show the truth and superior beauty and goodness of God’s male-female model for marriage, rooted both in creation and in God’s plan for salvation.
We pray that those who attend will be equipped to articulate and defend their Christian faith in stronger ways and will better know how to “give an answer for the hope that is in us.”
Don’t miss out on our early bird rate that ends June 30th. Click here to register.