Evangelical Author: “Heterosexuality is an Abomination.”

Cover of "The End of Sexual Identity" by Jenell Williams ParisAccording to Messiah College professor, Jenell Williams Paris, “Heterosexuality…is an abomination.” As an “abomination” Paris means the false classification of persons as merely homosexual or heterosexual, a practice she feels gives a person identity only on the basis of sexual choices or desires, rather than on their status as creatures made in God's image and loved by God. This inflammatory statement is doubtless meant for maximum effect, since the Bible declares male on male sex as “an abomination” (Lev 20:13). One is led to ask how an evangelical Christian scholar, published by a Christian publishing house (IVP) justifies such a shocking formulation.

Review of Jenell Williams Paris, The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex Is Too Important to Define Who We Are (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2011).

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Book Review by Peter Barnes of “One or Two”

Peter Jones, the director of truthXchange, has written a most incisive treatment and application of Romans 1. He considers, with good reason, that the two hottest issues today are Christian uniqueness and homosexuality. When we reject the revelation that God has given to all mankind, our theology is distorted (Rom.1:18-21), then our spirituality or worship (Rom.1:22-23), and finally our behaviour, especially our sexuality (Rom.1:24, 26-32). This does not make for pleasant reading, but it is no time for Christians to make-believe that all is well.

Review of Peter Jones, One or Two: Seeing a World of Difference (Escondido: Main Entry Editions, 2010). Published with permission.

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The Irrational Season of Timid Leaders

National Public Radio is doubtless the most irritating and probably the most intelligent radio programming in America. It certainly got my Christmas off to a weird start. On the evening of December 21, 1996 NPR broadcast live from the pseudo-Christian neo-pagan Cathedral of Saint John the Divine via two hundred local and willing radio stations throughout the USA, the seventeenth annual Celebration of the Winter Solstice. The two hour concert was paid for, in part, by tax dollars from the NEA, both an example of pagan Church and State working harmoniously together, and a disturbing harbinger of the future.

Review of Claris Van Kuiken, Battle to Destroy Truth: Unveiling a Trail of Deception (Manassas, VA: REF Publishing, 1996), 320pp.

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