Bridging the Gap: Making the Match
Over 10 years ago, Dr. Peter Jones launched truthXchange to strengthen believers understanding of their Christian worldview in a culture seduced by the lie. Just as it was in the days of St. Irenaeus, oneist heresies have crept into the church and are becoming an influence and driving force in the culture today.
Today, truthXchange stands to speak to Christians young and old, to equip them with the truth of a twoist gospel and expose the lie (Romans 1:25). The world needs the truth. Today, one of our greatest needs is for Christians to understand the lie, and to speak against it effectively. At truthXchange we are making use of publishing, online training courses, conferences, and free video/audio lectures. Our goal is to bridge the gap between multi-generational believers, and to equip them for gospel work.
We have recently received an offer from a generous donor who is willing to match, dollar for dollar, each donation we receive from now until November 30th, up to $30,000.00. That means that we have the chance to raise $60,000.00 toward the amazing work and vision the Lord has given truthXchange. The timing of this offer could not come at a better time and is, in fact, an answer to many prayers we have lifted up, pleading with the Lord to provide for the health of this ministry in mighty ways.
As we team up with countless believers to meet the call of God for this generation, will you be a part of our team? Together, let us proclaim the truth that our generation needs to hear.
Sep 8, 2014