Aug 23, 2017


An Unintended Statement of Truth

In August 2017 KLM, the Royal Dutch Airlines, committed a highly-telling faux pas. Seeking to be progressively pro-gay, it produced an ad showing three sets of facing seatbelts, all in rainbow colors. The first pair consisted of two “female” ends; the second of two “male” ends; and the third depicted a male end facing a female end. Beneath them was the unforgettable line: It doesn’t matter who you click with.

Well, with seatbelts, it does matter! Only the opposite pair can save your life. This outlandish attempt by a well-known company to normalize homosexual sex becomes an unintended parable about how abnormal, ineffective and dangerous same-sex relations really are.

Doug Mainwaring is a professional journalist who, some years ago, divorced his wife and left his children to pursue a life of homosexual activity. He lived to regret that choice. Mainwaring commented on the KLM ad, writing from his intimate knowledge of the homosexual lifestyle. [Doug Mainwaring, Airline botches pro-gay ad, proves marriage is only between man and woman,” LifeSiteNews (August 8, 2017)].

He states: “KLM inadvertently shows that defying natural law is dangerous.” He then cites someone’s acerbic humorous quip: “Fly Royal Dutch Airlines, where your only chance of surviving a crash is buckling up the heterosexual way.” Unfortunately, this whole issue is not funny. Mainwaring notes that the unsafe, irrational, audacious demand to approve same-sex “marriage” forces us to pretend that any relationship people choose to call a “marriage” actually is a marriage—just like any seatbelt combination is a secure safety belt. “Same-sex ‘marriage’ is really a rejection of marriage. Gays don’t really want marriage.” But “gay marriage” demands that we all become intellectually dishonest, pretending that KLM’s ad and what it represents makes sense. Mainwaring affirms that “defying natural law is as imprudent as defying the law of gravity. We deny or disregard the significance of complementarity at our own peril.”

Complementarity in the sexual realm is really an affirmation of the principle of Twoism, which applies everywhere in God’s creation. The distinction of the Creator and the creature stands behind all the complementary, rational, functioning structures that God creates. God makes a universe, like male/female seatbelts, that actually works, or like complicated KLM airplanes that actually fly. (All the bolts that hold it together fit into nuts; the computers behind all the systems are run on binary code.) Biblical sexuality is beautiful, but it is also functional and life-producing.

One stunning example of this principle is found in Genesis 2:18: It is not good that the man should be alone. Many pro-gay readers of the Bible seek to prove by this statement that God is in favor of all forms of marriage, because He obviously opposes psychological loneliness. Actually, the text says the very opposite. The three key terms in this text, “alone,” “[not] good,” and “helper,” prove this.

Alone: In the 204 occasions where the word “alone” (Hebrew, bad) is used in the Old Testament, it never means psychological or emotional loneliness; it is always used…to distinguish things, like God: “O LORD, the God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth.” (2 Kings 19:15).

Not good: The Bible is not telling us that Adam was suffering from emotional isolation, but that he was at that point alone as the only human being on the face of the earth. There was more for God—and Adam—to do. The situation of creation “was not good” only as an unfinished chef d’oeuvre is not yet finished. When male and female are in place, as the pinnacle of this distinction-making creative process, the “not good” disappears and everything is not only good, but very good.

Helper: Eve is identified as a “perfectly-fitted helper” for Adam. She is not merely the answer to a loneliness problem that another man could have relieved. She is, specifically, as woman, an essential participant in Adam’s creational vocation. Her help was not intended to lift Adam’s endless sense of loneliness, nor to lift things he couldn’t lift—but to join the mysterious creation mandate, formally given to the couple in Genesis 1:28: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.” To solve the “not good” situation, God creates the “very good” heterosexual structure of marriage, in which man and woman are perfectly fitted to produce the biological continuation of the human race: egg plus sperm equals civilization. Their fruitfulness is the source of cosmic blessing (Gen 5:2).

The blessing of Adam and Eve’s union is progeny, one of whom becomes the Messiah, Savior, Redeemer of heaven and earth, and the perfect bridegroom, united in infinite love to his bride, the Church.

All this we lose if we try to erase God’s created distinctions.





Peter Jones

