27: Our Granchildren – and Yours
This week my wife flew to Berlin to be with our oldest daughter, who is having her fifth child. I can’t help thinking of the unrecognizable world in which our grandchildren will live if the present radical agenda becomes the cultural global norm.
It is said, “As California goes, so will go the nation.” Living in California, I get to see national trends early on. Whenever I arrive in the parking lot of terminal two of the San Diego airport I am confronted by large, hideous stone statues of two semi–human beings in a worshipful, pagan pose. Their heads resemble the sun and the moon. At the same time, across town, the fifty–year–old Mount Soledad cross, a war memorial to those who died in the Korean War, is about to be removed. Though 76% of voters voted to keep it, District Federal Judge Gordon Thompson Jr. has ordered the city of San Diego to remove this cross within 90 days or be fined $5,000 a day. Out with the Cross. In with pagan idols. In downtown San Jose, CA, the capital of Silicon Valley, stands the only public art commissioned by the city – an 8 foot tall, half–million dollar sculpture of Quetzalcoatl, an Aztec deity.
In the area of “gender liberation” California Episcopalians are ahead of the game. They narrowly avoided electing the world’s first lesbian bishop. What does this mean? If the churches are supporting this agenda, what hope is there for the society at large?
In the society at large, there has been a concerted attempt to introduce homosexual clubs into the high schools, especially via Parents of Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P–FLAG) and Gay, Lesbian and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN). It has worked very well. But California has taken one step farther, passing bill SB 1437 that requires textbooks to include “the contributions of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender to the total development of California and the United States.” The bill, proposed by lesbian law–maker Sheila James Kuehl, a Santa Monica Democrat, prohibits kindergarten through high school teachers by law from saying anything “adverse” about homosexuality. Here is the wording: “no teacher shall give instruction nor shall a school district sponsor any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their…sexual orientation…..”
This law has many repercussions:
- Christian public school teachers who state the biblical view of homosexuality as sinful behavior, could lose their job;
- the natural family will no longer have its place in the classroom– the terms “mom” and “dad,” like Christmas and Easter, will be unconstitutional, because they reflect “adversely” on “families” with no dads or moms;
- the end of “kings” and “queens” during homecoming and prom week as well as sex–specific sports such as boys and girls basketball;
- since the law mandates that “no textbook or other instructional materials shall be adopted…that contains any matter reflecting adversely on…sexual orientation,” no open discussion of the issue is allowed. This legally enforced closing of mouths and minds will serve the ultimate goal of the gay movement, namely, the normalization of virtually any sexual life–style.
Hollywood, CA is doing its bit. The Da Vinci Code, arriving on the screen May 19, asks the question, “Why is the Mona Lisa smiling?” The author, Dan Brown answers that it is Leonardo Da Vinci in drag. This is not a joke! “The painting,” says Brown, “carries a subtle message of androgyny, neither male nor female…a fusing of both.” A leading psychologist and popular writer, June Singer, a Jewess who as an adult converted to Gnosticism, predicted this in her 1977 book– Androgyny: Towards A New Theory of Sexuality. Singer says that the Age of Aquarius is “the Age of Androgyny. Thus true spiritual liberation includes the liberation to be both male and female at the same time, in the same person–andros, male; gyny, female. “[t]he archetype of androgyny [will] appear as a witness to …the primordial cosmic unity,” functioning to erase distinction.
What is becoming law in our schools for our children is clearly the agenda of the religious pagan worldview all around us. We see it perhaps more clearly in California, but it is everywhere, proceeding at a different pace in different parts of modern society, but the end result will be the same.
For our children and grandchildren, we need to engage as citizens to uphold righteousness, but more than anything, we need to pray for them, educate them to understand the character of the pagan world around them, and teach them the firm foundation of biblical theism. They need to understand that all is not an undistinguished “oneness” but all is “two,” because God the Creator is distinct from everything else, and distinction is part of the wonderful world he made.
May 7, 2006