Joshua Gielow
Director of Operations
Joshua has served as a youth pastor, street preacher, and evangelist. He is competent in a myriad of practical ways. He has worked for truthXchange with passion and rigor since 2011 as Executive Assistant to Dr. Jones. In late 2018, with the full confidence of the staff and board of truthXchange, Joshua relocated to open an East Coast office in Columbia, South Carolina. His duties are many –podcasts, finances, phone calls, travel, fundraising, seminars, DVD production, and a host of other duties. His love for Christ, for his family, and for the ministry is profound. A dedicated churchman, serving as an elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, he reads voraciously and is a patient helper to anyone in need. He and his wife Lael have four boys (Isaac, Moses, Abraham, and Enoch) and two daughters, Tikvah and Havah.
Joshua Gielow
Director of Operations
Joshua has served as a youth pastor, street preacher, and evangelist. He is competent in a myriad of practical ways. He has worked for truthXchange with passion and rigor since 2011 as Executive Assistant to Dr. Jones. In late 2018, with the full confidence of the staff and board of truthXchange, Joshua relocated to open an East Coast office in Columbia, South Carolina. His duties are many –podcasts, finances, phone calls, travel, fundraising, seminars, DVD production, and a host of other duties. His love for Christ, for his family, and for the ministry is profound. A dedicated churchman, serving as an elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, he reads voraciously and is a patient helper to anyone in need. He and his wife Lael have four boys (Isaac, Moses, Abraham, and Enoch) and two daughters, Tikvah and Havah.