

In 1991, after nearly eighteen years teaching New Testament in a French seminary, Dr. Peter Jones took a tenured position as Professor of Greek and New Testament at Westminster Seminary California and became the chair of the Biblical Studies Department.


Having lived in the US from 1964 to 1973, Peter knew how “religious” America is. When he returned in 1991, however, he was shocked to discover that America had, by and large, changed religions. In many areas of the country, the Christian faith had given way not so much to an atheist or modernist approach but to a genuinely pagan view of spirituality. What was at one point called the New Age had become far more than a left-coast cult.


Peter began to study and think about these issues and to publish his reflections. Long hours of research and reading informed his writing and eventually, in 2003, with the encouragement of respected fellow leaders, he decided to leave seminary education to bring his message to church leaders, laymen and students. The ministry began as Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet (CWiPP) and has changed its name to truthXchange.


We now have eight Senior Fellows, a network of researchers, an annual conference, a quarterly newsletter, a monthly prayer partner email, a podcast, numerous church seminars and a worldwide readership. We look forward to the years ahead as we seek to follow God’s call on our lives and ministry.