This audio series is from the truthXchange conference, Oct. 7-9, 2016, The Two Loves: A Biblical Response to “Gay Christianity”
Dr. Michael Brown-Biblical Answers to “Gay Christian” Theology
Dr. Michael Brown-A Defense of “Gay Christianity” and its Ramifications
Dr. Rev. Gabe Fluhrer-“Gay Christianity” and the Doctrine of Scripture
Dr. Rev. Gabe Fluhrer-Ministering to those within the LGBTQ Community
Rev. Stephen Black-Testimonies of Hope and Change in the Gospel
Dr. Rosaria Butterfield-Our Identity in Christ
Dr. Rev. Peter Jones-Religious paganism: The Inevitable Result of “Gay” Christianity
Dr. Rev. Peter Jones-Twoist Sexuality
We hear so much about the importance of love these days, and we providentially called our conference “The Two Loves” which we now understand to mean the Love of God and love of humanity, in that order. This really is the guiding thesis of the “Two Loves” conference. The most loving response to same-sex attracted people is not to undertake actions based upon sentimental feelings of concern (itself important), which is the guiding principle of “Gay Christianity,” but to seek to show to them the person of God and thus who we are as human beings. Jesus had already, in a way, claimed this title we are using. In his response to the Pharisees he spoke of two loves: You shall love the Lord your God, the… first commandment… the second: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (Matt. 22:37-39).
In other words, the ultimate issue facing us as creatures in God’s universe, is first and foremost, how we love God and second, in this order, how we love our fellow human beings. These two commandments have much to say about the subject of our conference, “Gay Christianity.” If we wish to respect Scripture as God’s revelation of himself, both the distinct human and divine identities must be preserved because they are integrally related, but also must be preserved the correct order of priority. God must be first because we human beings depend entirely on the being of God. Only then can we truly understand ourselves. I only have two points: the Being of God and the Being of humanity.