Walking around in a blur? Afraid to talk about Jesus? Not sure how Christians fit with other religions? One or Two will help you see a world of difference — between the only two religions: worship of the creation (what this book calls Oneism) or worship of the Creator (Twoism). Using the apostle Paul’s structure in Romans 1, Peter Jones shows why your choice affects everything you think and do: how you think about God (theology), what you worship (spirituality) and how you live your sexuality. Seeing a world of difference and distinctions will help you in making a world of difference.
“Please read this book! The church in America is depserate for believers who understand our present battle and are equipped to respond.” — Francis Chan, pastor, author
“One or Two offers a provocative, accessible, and urgent message that we ignore to our peril — and that of our non-Christian neighbors.” — Michael Horton, professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
“In this thrilling book, Peter Jones gives us a critical analysis of modern paganism using Paul’s description of the nature and effects of the paganism of old.” — Augustus Lopes, chancellor, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Sao Palo, Brazil